Chase Bank ATM Glitch in the News

Published on Sep 4

Not precisely a movie project update… but very apropos.

Of course, I must start with a disclaimer: Stealing is wrong. Stealing is bad. Don’t steal. M-kay? 

That said, across the U.S. and world, this story is trending:


(link to Newsweek article)

Newscasters are reporting of a supposed ATM Glitch people discovered with Chase – mostly with grins on their faces and rueful shakes of the head. Social media is buzzing with videos of people pulling off this ‘scam’.

In fact, it’s not really a glitch, it’s simple fraud. And now, the perpetrators are going to have to face the consequences. However, it captured people’s imagination in a big way. And that, my friends, speaks volumes!

It’s a solid reminder that PEOPLE LOVE STORIES LIKE THESE; a story about the common man finding a loophole in the system that gives them access to riches; especially in these times of extreme economic disparity and uncertainty. 

Could there be any stronger confirmation for the potential goldmine we’re sitting on with this movie project?

So, tell your friends, your family, your co-workers! Tell anyone that you think might be interested about our project! 

Tell them how there is an absolutely legal and fun way to get involved with the ultimate ATM Glitch! No Jail time required!

And who knows how big the payout could be?

Cheers and thank you for your continued support on this adventure!
